Why Choose Therapeutic Coaching?
Here's just a few reasons why it could be good for you...
Feeling Lost
Feeling lost can manifest in different ways – being unsure if the path you are following is right for you; feeling you are going round in circles and getting no-where; or being so caught up in the thicket you can’t even see a path.
One reason we find we are lost is when we have been living out someone else’s idea of what our life should be rather than our own. For example, following a career that our parents approved of rather than one closer to our true interests, or seeking material possessions – a faster car, a bigger home – because we think this is how success is measured rather than stopping to ask ourselves what success really means for us.
A Therapeutic Coach will help you build your awareness of your thoughts and the choices these lead to, that are creating this sense of feeling lost. They can also support you in taking the steps you need to establish a clear sense of purpose and direction and make the changes you need to get on your way.


We feel disconnected when we are not able to fully engage with another person. It doesn’t just mean awkward social interactions, it can manifest as feeling lonely within a relationship or even in a room full of people, as if there is some invisible barrier between you and the other.
There are many reasons that can create this difficulty. We may be anxious about what the other person thinks of us, we may feel embarrassed to be ourselves – not wanting to slip up, and we may be silently judging the other person. All of these things will create thoughts that get in the way of hearing what the other person has to say and prevents us from being curious and asking questions that would enable us to get to know the person better.
A Therapeutic Coach will help you become aware of the thoughts and underlying beliefs you have about others and yourself that may be getting in the way of what you want. Creating a relationship with the coach will help you to build your social skills and provide a safe space in which you can explore and practice different ideas and approaches so you can build competence which in turn will boost your confidence.
If your challenge is a sense of disconnection in an existing relationship working with a coach will help you explore your needs, understand the role you are playing within the relationship and support you to make the changes that will enable you to find the connection you are looking for.
Left Behind

When our children move out of the family home and set off for their future lives there can be a huge sense of loss for parents. Its not just the physical space that is no longer filled by the children, there is less laundry, less food to buy and prepare, less tidying up, less conversation, and running around to events and sports fixtures, friends coming and going, heart aches and heart breaks, highs and lows.
The kicker is that your whole purpose as a parent was to enable them to grow and develop into independent young adults and if you did the job right – you get left behind.
Finding your purpose again after the children leave home can be quite challenging. Many parents have done such a great job focusing on their children and supporting all their interests that they have forgotten what they enjoyed doing just for themselves.
A Therapeutic Coach can help you rediscover your interests and reignite your passions so you can decide what you want the next phase of your life to look like and feel like. Together you can identify new goals and the skills and resources you have to achieve these so you can move forward with energy and excitement.

Lonely & Listless

When you were working you may have had an ideal vision of your life when you no longer had to set the alarm to get up in the morning, attend meetings that made you daydream of changing your career or endure the daily commute. It most likely included having time to play bowls or bridge with friends and take afternoon strolls and nap whenever you felt like it. And for some people at the end of a rewarding career that is enough.
However, for others, after a few months of this reality they start to feel like something is missing and as pleasurable as the games with friends are their purpose has changed. They are no longer the much-needed respite to relax and recharge between workdays they become the highlight of the day, the reason to get up, the social connection we need. Viewed in this way they may not provide the sense of purpose and fulfilment that we want in our life.
You have decades of valuable knowledge and experience and having rested for a few months you may have more energy than when you retired. Rather than just being a consumer you want to get out and create something new and may be unsure what that looks like or if people will take you seriously. Working with a Therapeutic Coach can help you address those concerns and reconnect with ideas you may have had years ago but were too busy working to follow through. Together you can explore the skills you have and new ones you want to acquire so you can redefine retirement and do it in a way that brings you joy and fulfilment.